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  • Writer's pictureMeikey


Most of us can't go out of the house at the moment due to the corona crisis. And yet, there are countless ways to implement, maintain and improve sustainability in your life, easily and with pleasure from the comfort of your couch.

1) Stay informed

Television, radio, newspapers and social media are full of the latest information and statistics concerning the corona virus, but maybe it's a welcome diversion to busy yourself with a different topic every now and then. Find a nice blog, book or Instagram profile to get some new input regarding sustainability, zero waste, a vegan diet or whatever motivates and intrigues you. This will help you take your mind off the current worries and at the same time expand your knowledge. What a perfect win-win situation!

2) Support small businesses

The current situation holds its difficulties for each of us, inter alia all the restaurants, shops and service providers that had to stop their daily routine. Some of them found a temporary solution and have the possibility to keep their business running by means of delivery services. Try to find out if the merchants of your local farmers market or your favorite restaurant have started to sell their products online. They will be grateful for any kind of support and you will get fresh, regional and delicious food in return. How wonderful is that?

3) Have a look around

If you have no choice but to stay at home anyway, you can just as well be attentive to what's nice about your home and what could be improved. You could try to turn off all digital devices that are on standby as well as the lamps in all rooms that are not used right now. How about tidying your belongings so that you can make a donation after the curfew is over? Or you clear out your e-mail inbox to make room on the operating server and therefore save energy. Talking about energy: Why not do some research on eco-friendly electricity providers if you haven't changed yet? There are so many little things that we tend to overlook. Now is the time to change that.

4) Spread the word

While we decelerate the progression of the virus by staying at home, we can use all the Skype calls and FaceTime conversations with family and friends not only to keep each other informed and to comfort our loved ones, but also to talk about sustainability and climate change, so that these important topics don't risk to be buried in oblivion. Of course not in an arrogant and top-down manner, but simply by motivating them and telling them about all the stunning things that are possible and easy to apply.

5) Stay at home

The simple act of following the rules and recommendations by the government does not only save lifes, it also contributes to the fight and measures against climate change. Who stays at home the whole day does not use his car or a plane to go anywhere and is less tempted by impulse purchases. That does not mean that we are saving the world by locking ourselves up at home! But I think it is still nice to know that next to all the hassle that the curfew entails, there is something positive in it, too.

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