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  • Writer's pictureMeikey


Do you feel tired, listless and unmotivated throughout the day? Would you like to have more energy, more self-discipline and feel healthier and happier in general? Are there big life goals and important tasks that you have been postponing for quite some time? There is an astonishingly easy way to reach all your desires in no time.

Have you ever heard of the Miracle Morning? It is a simple and effective method by Hal Elrod that can turn your life upside down in the most positive way imaginable. In his book, Hal recommends to simply wake up 1 hour before your normal alarm time and to implement certain routines that help you develop and thus become the person you need to be to create the life you want and deserve.


No worries, this approach is not meant to be a restriction, but rather an opportunity and an invitation. You can personalize it entirely and adapt it to your individual needs. There is even a short version of only 6 minutes! In the end, the Miracle Morning is supposed to be a new way to spend time with yourself and increase your personal development in order to become more satisfied and productive. The following exercises are the ones recommended in the book (called the life SAVERS), you can choose and modify the ones you like the most.

1) Silence

After a good night's sleep, you might prefer a rather smooth way to start into the day. Relaxation techniques are the tool of choice in this case. This can be a prayer, a meditation session or simply some deep breaths at the open window. This allows you to take your time, focus on yourself and clear your mind instead of rushing from shower to breakfast because you got up at the last minute.

2) Affirmations & Visualization

Our thoughts and beliefs are known to be able to move mountains. Why not use this to our advantage? By picturing your ideal future and telling yourself what you are capable of, you will automatically attract what you are focusing on. Continuity is the key at this point. The more often you repeat that you deserve to be happy or that you will become more relaxed (or whatever affirmations you are choosing), the more likely it gets that it actually comes true.

3) Exercise

To wake up completely and prepare your body and mind for the day ahead, a little bit of exercise wil stimulate the blood circulation and keep you in good shape. This can reach from sit-ups and push-ups over jumping jacks to yoga. Whatever makes you feel good and gives you the perfect amount of energy to tackle the day's challenges.

4) Reading

"I don't have time to read. There are so many other things to deal with that are way more urgent." What could be more urgent and important than self-care? Dedicate a part of your Miracle Morning to reading a book or a blog that teaches you something new or helps you progress regarding your personal development. There are countless self-help books out there that are perfect for your personal aim and purpose.

5) Scribing

There is no better way to bring your thoughts in order, gain insights and find new ideas than keeping a diary in whatever form. This can reach from listing some things you are grateful for to a detailed daily report. At the end of the year, you can reread what you have written and thus observe your personal development throughout the past months. This will very likely be an interesting and enlightening experience.


During my personal Miracle Morning, I usually try to do a little bit of all the exercises mentioned above. Sometimes it takes one hour, sometimes 30 minutes, depending on the day and the circumstances. Friends of mine have simply integrated a matutinal sport session into their daily routine, others only perform their routine on weekdays. You see, it's completely up to you! Give it a try, craft your individual version of the Miracle Morning and enjoy its impressive and long-lasting effects.

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