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Since most of our basic needs (food, housing, clothes, etc.) are covered, we tend to strive for more and look for personal fulfilment. However, it is not that easy to find the purpose in one's life, especially when facing nearly unlimited possibilities. We would like to present 5 ways to find your vocation and to figure out what you really want.

I want to find something that makes me jump out of bed every single morning! I want to be able to look back at my life when I am old and not regret anything that I haven't dared doing! I want to reach my full potential and dedicate my life to something meaningful!


There is (almost) nothing more satisfying than having an overarching objective and seing yourself getting closer to it day after day. But some of us are still looking for this goal. There is no universal instruction, but we have some ideas how you could get a little closer:

1) Be curious

Yes, philosophy is kind of an art form, and human beings are "special" because of their ability to think. But sometimes, the saying "the proof of the pudding is the eating" is the key in terms of finding your purpose. The answer to your questions won't fall from the sky and right into your laps by simply thinking about what you might like. You will never find out if you're good at doing pottery or if your passion is tap dancing if you don't go for it and at least book a tryout session.

So, keep being as open-minded and curious as possible, go through life with your eyes wide open and start (or don't stop) trying new things. One day, your passion will be amongst them.

2) Focus

We all have strenghts and weaknesses. And it's good to be aware of both of them. And yet, a bee was not made to swim or to climb up trees. Its purpose is to pollinate flowers and make delicious honey. So instead of keep on trying to offset our "flaws" we should start enhancing our qualities and become even better in what we are already good at. Because the best results emerge when you feel pleasure doing something, so stop torturing yourself by trying to hide your weaknesses and start focusing on and working with your strenghts.

3) Imagine

What would you do if you had a "carte blanche" for one year? Imagine you wouldn't need to worry about time, money or responsibilities. Take some time to really think and dream about everything that would be on your list of things to try out, places to visit and so on.

Another way to approach this topic is to imagine a perfect day in your future. In what kind of environment would you be waking up? What would be the first thing you would be doing in the morning? Whom would you be spending your time with? Don't forget to write down everything that comes to your mind. Like that, it's more visible and you might already be able to connect the dots. These little exercises usually reveal what really matters to you.

4) No, thanks

Way easier than finding out what we really want is usually to name the factors we would like to avoid if possible. But this can just as well give us information about what we should be aiming for in the end. So think back to past situations or circumstances and make a list of what aspects you would rather dispense with in the future. By looking at what you don't like, you will automatically find out more about what you would prefer instead - this is called the procedure of exclusion.

5) Relax

It is all very well to look for something "more" in life, and yet, you need to keep your mental health in mind as well. You do not have to live the perfect life, being happy and super productive every single day. Each and everyone of us has a bad day and a feeling of disorientation from time to time, and even in the life of our dreams we will have to pay our bills and do the laundry. That's absolutely normal.

Also, don't put pressure on yourself if you haven't found your calling yet. Everything happens in its own pace, and by actively looking for it, you have already taken it to the next level. The most important thing is to be grateful for what you already have and to not lose hope. Everything at the proper time.


We would love to know more about your personal dreams and life goals. Don't hesitate to share the results of these little exercises with us. What's your calling? 😊

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