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  • Writer's pictureMeikey


Updated: Mar 2, 2020

Low-carb, no sugar, calorie-reduced. There are a lot of different dietary recommendations out there, everybody is telling us to keep an eye on our eating habits. But what if you stop eating completely for some days, to detox your body and relax your mind? This is called "fasting" and quite common in various religions. I tried it out, and I would like to share my experiences with you.

No food for 5 days, is that even possible? At first, I was a bit nervous, because I didn't know what to expect. But since I had been planning on doing a fasting cure for quite some time already and some of the tools I needed to do so were already waiting in my bathroom cabinet, I finally set a date and started preparing.

How does it work?

The ideal situation would be to take a week off and try to avoid any kind of possible distraction. This time is supposed to be dedicated to yourself, so that you can take a step back from the hustle of life, get to know yourself a bit better and take a deep breath. If this is not an option for you, there are shorter versions as well, such as one day or a weekend of light dishes and conscious relaxation. As soon as you have set a date, here is some useful advice on how to proceed:

1) Preparation is the key

You would not climb the Mount Everest without the proper equipment, right? At least, I would not recommend it. The same goes for any kind of fasting cure. Do some research on the internet or invest the money in a good guidebook - there are so many information to gather and some useful things you should know before you start. It is about your own health after all, so "safety first" is the mantra for this adventure. Based on your new expertise, you can prepare a little shopping list, so that you are equipped and don't have to interrupt your deep relaxation with a trip to the supermarket. An assortment of different teas is crucial, as well as a laxative (yes, it is necessary and believe me, it is not as horrible as you may think), some fresh ginger, fruit juice etc.

Another indispensable rule: allow your body at least two days before and after the actual fasting with only light dishes, so that your stomach can prepare for the unknown challenge. It will prevent you from feeling bad or being hungry during the fasting week.

2) Stay hydrated

Since you don't have the right to any solid food this week, all sorts of liquid become your new best friends. Herbal tea, still water, broth and unsweetened juice are on the menu - make sure you have an appropriate selection at home. This is one of the reasons I chose to do my fasting week during fall. The weather invites you to get cozy on the couch with a good book and a cup of tea anyway.

It is crucial that you are not only drinking still water, because the herbs and the juice provide the body with the nutriments it lacks. You can even balance possible difficulties that might come up: a cup of hot water for example reduces the feeling of hunger, fresh ginger tea or peppermint with a tiny spoon of honey are a sheer energy booster and help you jump-start your blood circulation. Do not be too ambitious though! It can also be dangerous for your body if you're drinking too much, especially when you are a rather modest drinker anyway. 2-3 liters per day are recommended, try to stick to that, listen to your body and everything should be fine.

3) Take your time

One whole week without any obligations, you can do whatever you feel like doing. Sounds like paradise, right? The fasting period is indeed meant to be a time to calm down and reflect, a time to focus on yourself and let no obligations distract you from doing so. It does not mean however, that you should take this precious time to work through your to-do list, even though it may be tempting! Instead, listen to yourself and try to find out what you would like to do moment after moment. This can be a nice walk in the nature (detox also works through the lungs!), a hot and relaxing (alkaline) bath to stimulate the skin cells to get rid of all the toxins, or simply some nice music and a good book.

Keep in mind that your organism is put on the back burner this week, so don't expect too much. Your reactivity is reduced and you might be exhausted a bit quicker than usual. So I guess the marathon training has to wait. Instead, enjoy the increasing sensory perception and the receptive mind that the fasting implies.

4) Declutter

Fasting initially refers to the renunciation of food in rememberance of Jesus' fasting period in the desert. Nowadays however, fasting can mean to consciuosly do without any kind of consumer good for a defined amount of time and free yourself from things that are holding you back. I personally took my fasting week as an opportunity to go through all my stuff in the flat and to radically reduce any kind of unnecessary junk. I also cut back on TV and social media, which gave me even more time to declutter my life.

Maybe you feel like sorting all the pictures on your hard drive or answering some messages that have been waiting for quite some time. Whatever it is that helps you feel good, go for it, now is the time!

5) Listen to your body

This week is supposed to be a week of detox and attention, physically and mentally. To get the best out of this venture, it is absolutely crucial to pay attention to the hints that your body and mind are giving you. This can mean taking a moment to find out which activity would please you the most right now, but it also means taking a break when your body tells you to do so, drinking some water when you feel thirsty etc.

For me, listening to my body meant stopping my adventure on the fourth day. I did not want to risk my health by forcing myself to continue. I don't have any regrets that the fasting period did not last as long as expected. Instead, I am grateful for this wonderful experience! It has been a long time since my skin has been so pure and my mind has been so clear and balanced. So I would definitely do it again!

If you are now motivated to try it yourself, don't hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.
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